Chain Horizon the future goes beyond now


Imprint (Information according to §5 DDG):

Business Address:
Chain Horizon GmbH
Kolonnenstraße 8
10827 Berlin

Registered Office: Berlin
Represented by the Managing Director: Tarkan Yavas
Content Responsible Person: Tarkan Yavas, Managing Director, Chain Horizon GmbH

Please direct general inquiries:
Via Email:

Register Entry:
Register Court: District Court Charlottenburg
Register Number: HRB 265290 B

VAT ID: DE369002001


Responsibility Regarding Own Content and External Links

We are responsible for the content created by us on our website in accordance with relevant laws. There is no obligation on our part to monitor transmitted or stored third-party information or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity. Regardless, obligations to remove or block the use of information under relevant laws remain unaffected. Our liability is only applicable from the point of knowledge of a specific legal violation. Upon becoming aware of such legal violations, we will promptly remove these contents.
The links on our website to external third-party websites are outside our control, hence we cannot assume any warranty for these external contents. The respective provider or operator of the pages is always responsible for the content of the linked pages. At the time the links were created, the external pages were checked for possible legal violations, and no illegal content was identified. Without concrete evidence of a legal violation, a permanent content check of the linked pages is not reasonable. Should legal violations come to our attention, we will immediately remove such links.

